The Vörtstyrkan Database of all tasted Beer 1983–2002.  1916 different beers.  (Beer tasted 2003–now)

This is the country index on the "Database of all tasted Beer 1983–2002".
The list is divided into 6 sections, with included countries listed below.
The letters in brackets after some of the countries are national codes.
The national codes are used to show purchase country in the country lists in case it is bought outside the country of origin.
The numbers below are the total number of beers tasted from each country. In the separate lists only the different beer brands are shown, with "n" if tasted more than once (some beers we have tasted more than 10 times !).
Some states or territories without full sovereignty are also included in this section, they are marked with an asterisk, *, and the "motherland" in code. (See also the separate list for these with explanations.)

To section A-C

Argentina (AR) 2, Australia (AUS) 11, Austria (A) 52, Barbados 1, Belgium (B) 234, Botswana 1, Brazil (BR) 3, Bulgaria (BUL) 10, Canada (CAN) 20, Chile 1, Peoples Republic of China (CN) 10, Colombia 2, Cook Islands (*NZ) 1, Costa Rica (CR) 7, Croatia (HR) 12, Cyprus (CY) 5, Czeck Republic (CZ) 53, former Czeckoslovakia (CS) 29

To D-F

Denmark (DK) 268, Dominicanian Republic 2, former East Germany (DDR) 8, El Salvador 1, Equador 1, Eritrea 1, Estonia (EST) 5, Ethiopia 3, Faroe Islands (FR, *DK) 2, Finland (FIN) 29, France (F) 47, French Polynesia (*F) 1

To G

Gambia 1, Germany (D) 284, Great Britain (GB) 261, Greece (GR) 14, Grenada 1, Guatemala 1, Guernsey (GBG, *GB) 2

To H-R

Hungary (H) 13, Iceland (IS) 5, India 4, Indonesia 5, Ireland (EIR) 49, Israel 2, Italy (I) 29, Jamaica 1, Japan (JP) 16, Jersey (GBJ, *GB) 3, Kenya 1, Latvia (LV) 16, Lesotho 1, Lithuania (LT) 13, Luxemburg (L) 20, Madagascar 2, Malaysia (MY) 4, Malta(M) 2, Marocko 3, Mexico (MX) 10, Namibia 3, The Netherlands (NL) 61, New Zeeland (NZ) 7, Nigeria 2, Norway (N) 39, Palestinian West Bank (*IL) 1, Paraguay 1, Peru 4, Poland (PL) 25, Portugal (P) 13, Puerto Rico (*USA) 1, Russia (RUS) 4

To S

Saint Kitts and Nevis 1, Singapore 2, Slovakia (SK) 3, Slovenia (SLO) 7, South Africa (ZA) 3, former Soviet Union (USSR) 5, Spain (E) 27, Sri Lanka 2, Sweden (S) 805, Switzerland (CH) 18

To T-Z

Taiwan 1, Tanzania 3, Thailand 3, Trinidad and Tobago 1, Tunisia (TN) 1, Turkey (TR) 12, Uganda 3, United States of America (USA) 124, Venezuela 2, Vietnam 7, West Samoa 1, Yugoslavia (YU) 6, Zimbabwe 2

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Page created May 26, 1996 and updated February 2, 2003.
By Erling V. Jirle
Email: Erling Jirle