Rare birds in Sweden end of Sept - 15 Oct 2002

Today the second Blyth's Pipit, Anthus godlewskii (mongolpiplärka) for Sweden was found at Nabben, Falsterbo (Scania). First for the province Scania.
Still there at dusk.
At the same location also a female Stonehat of eastern race maura, Saxicola torquata maura, been there since 9 Oct.

Also in Sweden today and recently (1 - 15 October)

Olive-backed Pipit, Anthus hodgsoni (sibirisk piplärka) 1 Landsort (Södermanland) 15.10.
Richard's Pipit, Anthus richardi (större piplärka) Around 20 seen.
Dusky Warbler, Phylloscopus fuscatus (brunsångare) 1 Ottenby (Öland) 10-15.10.
Pallas's Leaf Warbler, Ph. proregulus (kungsfågelsångare) 3.
Yellow-browed Warbler, Phylloscopus inornatus (taigasångare) Around 18.
Black-eared Wheatear, Oenanthe hispanica (medelhavsstenskvätta) 1 Seby (Öland) 9-10.10

In the end of September also;

Glossy Ibis, Plegadis falcinellus (bronsibis) 1 Lake Hornborgasjön (Västergötland) 26.9.
Surf Scooter, Melanitta perspicillata (vitnackad svärta) 1 ad m Hovs Hallar (Scania) 29.9
Eurasian Crag Martin, Hirundo rupestris (klippsvala) 1 W. Hakarp (Blekinge) 27.9 No. 3 for Sweden.
Booted Warbler, Hippolais caligata caligata (gråsångare) 1 Gårdby (Öland) 19-20.9
Subalpine Warbler, Sylvia cantillans (rödstrupig sångare) 1 m Getterön (Halland) 26-28.9
Great Grey Shrike, eastern race, Lanius excubitor pallidirostris (stäppvarfågel) 1 Hoburgen (Gotland) 23.9

If you want to join Eurobirdnet (EBN), read instructions at the EBN-Sweden homepage; http://www.pheromone.ekol.lu.se/eurobirdnet.html

The English / scientific / Swedish bird names in the reports follows the Swedish Holarctic list adopted by SOF (Swed. Orn. Union) 1995.
For the whole list incl. explanations, start at;

Erling Jirle, Swedish coordinator, EuroBirdNet

Erling Jirle, Swedish coordinator, EuroBirdNet